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HOWTO: Share Files Among Computers with Tubes

Tubes is a free service for sharing files among computers. The application is a desktop program that allows the user to create a “tube” that he can place files in. Other users – friends, family, co-worker, other PCs – can subscribe to the tube and can get updated files added to the tube. You can choose to autosync a tube which will automatically get new files when they’re added to a tube. Think of it as instantly sending files to an aggregate group of people using your tube. This is a walk-through on how to get started using Tubes to share files.

1. Register and download

First, go to Click the download button. It will take you to a register page. Register for a free account (which gives you 2 Gb of space) or pay $4.99/month for Premium (5 Gb, more features) and download Tubes.

2. Add a tube

The first time you use Tubes, it will connect you to two tubes on its own, Help and What’s New.

Tubes Navigator

Click the + sign to create a new tube. Name the tube and choose additional options from the details menu.

Create a tube
(click image to enlarge)

Your tube will get processed and created.

A tube is pending for creation

My first tube has been created

Double-click on your tube and a tube explorer window will open up.

Exploring my first tube
(click image to enlarge)

You can start dragging some files into this tube. As you can see in the image below, I am using the free account which offer 2 gigabytes of storage.

A sample file is in my tube
(click image to enlarge)

In the Tubes Navigator, your tube will show how many files you have in your tube.

My tube now shows 1 file in the Naviator

3. Invite people to your tube

If you right-click your tube, you can send out invites to other people to use your tube so you can share files

I can invite people to use my tube

Stay tuned for updates as I’ll be posting some more screenshots of other tubes receiving files.

Published in multimedia storage time savers